Interview to Vanessa Miler and Benjamin Thelonius Fels

PHOTO: Vanessa Miler

Name Vanessa Miler  e Benjamin Thelonious Fels

Residence London

Employement Energy analyst e philosopher

In Puglia three times, 2006, 2006, 2012 and now we will come back soon!

Thinking about the days you spent in Puglia, what is first image coming in your MIND if I am say…

Nature: Olive trees

Colour: Electric green

Town: Ostuni

Landscape: Trulli

Food & drink: Fave

Day: Light

Night: Peace

Relaxation: Walking around

The “Pugliesi” people: Hospitable, charming

Souvenir: Masseria Alchimia

Fun: Everything

History: The Earth & Lecce

Architecture: Trulli

Culture: Barocco & greek vases at the Archeology Museum in Lecce

The 3 best things TO DO in Puglia? 1. Walk 2. Look 3. Eat

A special PLACE you would recommand to any visitor of Puglia? Dormire alla masseria Alchimia and walk in la riserva naturale Le cesine, near Lecce

What do you NOT LIKE about Puglia? Driving

Any IDEAS to improve the infrastrutture for the turism? Trains

What should visitors BRING with them when they come to Puglia? nothing, better not to plan anything and just discover what the land has to offer

Your favourite restaurant? Il Cortilleto, in Speziale

Will you come back? Sure

Puglia in one PHOTO, what do you see? Olive trees shivering

Puglia in one WORD? Light
Anything you would like to add? Thanks for sharing this beautiful land!